Garmin GPS: route management when the start is also a waypoint of the course

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The informations of this page are valid for the following Garmin GPS:
GPSmap 60CSx
GPSmap 76CSx

Sometimes, the defined course commes back to the start (as D90122 below) before to continue. When the route is set in the device, select [Navigate] to activate it. The device automatically selects the waypoint following the last pass at the start, as B46118 below, which the corresponding icon is blinking.
actived route with default waypoint
To not input D90122 at the beginning of the route give the same effect.
What is expected: the second waypoint has to be selected, as B58084 in this case. How to do that?

The principle is to manually change the active waypoint:
1. switch the transition mode to manual
2. modify the active waypoint
3. switch the transition mode back to distance
Below, the details of these operations:

From the above screen, press [PAGE], then select [Routes] to show the routes list
routes list

Press [MENU] and select [Off Road Transition...]
menu [Off Road Transition...]

Select [Manual] in [Route Leg Transition]
Route Leg Transition = Manual

Press [PAGE] then select [Routes] then select [Active]
routes list

Press as many times as necessary on the button [IN] (move up in the list) or on the button [OUT] (move down in the list) to select the second waypoint
select the second waypoint
For this operation, no waypoint must be selected (highlighted in yellow).

Press [PAGE], then select [Routes] to show the routes list
routes list

Press [MENU] and select [Off Road Transition...]
menu [Off Road Transition...]

Select [Distance] in [Route Leg Transition]
Route Leg Transition = Distance

Now, you are all set to complete the course in the order defined. Thanks to Laurent for his help.
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marc [at] marc [hyphen] oya [dot] eu - Updated 2010-05-11